Saturday, December 22, 2012

How To Take Good Photos of Fish In Aquarium

How to take Better Pictures of Fish in an Aquarium - Beginner Level

When you have a wonderful specimen/s of Betta it's natural to feel pride and joy and you may wish to capture their images for posterity, to send and show your friends and family and share with your social media pals.

So here's some tips on how you can take better photos of your prized specimens of Betta Fish.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Instant Baby Brine Shrimp Ocean Nutrition - Artemia nauplii

REVIEW OF "Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp":
  • Comes in a sealed bottle. 20 gms.
  • Freshly hatched Baby Brine Shrimp ready to use.
  • One bottle contains in excess of 1.5 million Artemia nauplii.
  • Natural - as if you have dried the shrimp yourself.
  • You can feed this to fresh water or marine pet fish or pet invertebrates.
  • Excellent buoyancy - food remains in the water column to facilitate feeding.
  • Need to refrigerate once you've opened the bottle.
  • Does not cloud the water.


5Makes fish happy
By The Curious
If you can't be bothered to hatch your own brine shrimp, this is an excellent alternative. Its an excellent food for baby fish and smaller adults. I like it for tanks that have lots of babies and adults. The food scatters broadly and floats around in the water instead of staying at the top or falling to the bottom. The advantage of this is that it allows everyone (except for maybe bottom feeders) a good chance to get at the food....READ MORE

5Excellent food for fry and juvenile fish! Fun treat for adult fish!
By Complexity
I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to feed baby brine shrimp without having to hatch them.

I had 12 juvenile fish shipped to me a little younger than normal. They arrived in great shape, but would not accept any of the fry food I had on hand. I contacted the breeder and found out the fish were still eating baby brine shrimp. I didn't want to go to the trouble of hatching my own so I decided to give this product a try.

The fish immediately began eating this food! It's been about three weeks now, and they are all healthy and growing well. I have been able to successfully introduce them to other foods during this time, but I continue to feed them the baby brine shrimp as part of their regular diet...READ MORE

Read all the 5-star customer reviews - Click Here

Thursday, October 25, 2012

How To Make "Baby Fry Fish Food"

This is a just a cheap way to make substitute, baby fry, fish food as a stop-gap measure if you happen to run out of commercial fish fry food.

It's recommended you buy baby fry fish food when you can, since it's made just for them for fast healthy growth. 

By the way feed them live foods whenever you can as that is better for baby fish eg. brine shrimp and blood worms.


5I adore this betta food

This has to be the best betta fish food I have ever got for my fish. When I got my betta fish I bought him some random betta food from the pet store but he hated it. the pellets were way to big so he would never touch them. I bought this food a long time ago with my first betta fish and he loved it as well. That same betta fish lived to be about 4 years old and even.....READ MORE REVIEWS HERE

5Fish loves it and it doesn't sink

I've tried other "floating" Betta fish food and this one is the best I've found. The best selling point (besides the fact my fish will eat it) is it doesn't sink right away. I was happy about this smaller pack because I wanted to try it out before buying a bigger pack to make sure it does what the packaging claims. I will be buying this in a larger volume now.....READ MORE REVIEWS HERE

hikari betta bio-goldfish food

Monday, October 15, 2012

Betta versus Oscar - Size Matters

Don't Do This - Size matters and the Oscar is a well-designed predator who
will quickly devour the smaller Betta Fish if you should tempt Fate 
by placing them together in your tank.

This Betta stood no chance against the larger, carnivorous Oscar with its sleek form, lightning, strike-speed and huge, powerful jaws.

Even smaller Oscars won't hesitate to strike if you place them together with Betta or other smaller fish.

They seem to be constantly ravenous and will prey on smaller fish in the vicinity with no hesitation at all.

When you see them in action you will realise just how well Nature designed Oscars as feeding-machines.

If you are seeking a buddy for your Betta fish try a small turtle as these two will cohabit peacefully and are fun to watch together.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fantastic Array of Betta Varieties

Fantastic Variety of Beautiful Bettas!
You could try your hand at breeding some new varieties of form and colour combinations.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

1-Week Old Betta Fry Feeding on Baby Shrimp

Introducing Variety to the Diet of Betta Fry:

The fry are 1 week old and have been feeding on microworms. 

Today they are given a treat and are fed with newly hatched baby brine shrimp for the first time.

They quickly gobbled them all up and soon all their stomachs turned peach/orange, they loved it. 

The downside is baby brine shrimp are much higher maintenance than microworms. If you can't get all the unhatched eggs and hatched egg shells seperated from the BBS, then you will have a massive cleaning job to get all the shells and unhatched eggs out of your fry tank. You need to do this or to prevent water pollution which of course can affect your fry's health seriously.

Also you need to feed BBS within 8 - 10 hours of hatching otherwise they lose their nutritional value because BBS develops very fast and use up all their nutrition in the process.  This makes them nutritionally less valuable to feed to your fry the longer you wait after they've hatched.

Click Here for Info on How to Best Care for your Betta, the Easy Way!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

UKBBA Betta Fry Microworm Feeding Tutorial

How to feed newly-hatched, free-swimming Betta fry with Microworms.

Click Here for Info on How to Best Care for your Betta, the Easy Way!


I'm new to the betta experience but did heavy research before I bought one..I wanted to give my fish a variety of food..So I bought these blood worms as a snack a couple of times of week.. So I put them in 1 by 1(only 2) and he gobbles them up with no problems. I also want to mention that this has a heavy allergy alert,so be advised..I use tweezers to put them in so I don't use my hands.. My betta goes crazy for these,it's like chocolate for women :) Just remember ... READ MORE REVIEWS

5My fish loves it!
This review is from: Tetra Bloodworms, 0.28-Ounce, 100-Ml (Misc.)
My fish loves these blood worms! He flares up at them and bites on them like a little hunter. These are a great treat to be used a couple times a week and give your fish a little variety. Prime shipping can't be beat... READ MORE REVIEWS

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Betta Spawn Log - Day 15 - Betta Fry!

Day 15 in the life of Betta Fry... still feeding BBS and Egg Yolk.
Change the water frequently now as that will help the Betta fry grow faster.

Click Here for Info on How to Best Care for your Betta, the Easy Way!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Betta Breeding: Step Two

Here is a closer view of the Male spitting the eggs into the bubble nest.
By the way this is a "Delta Tailed" Betta.

Click Here for Info on How to Best Care for your Betta, the Easy Way!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Betta Breeding: Step One

Beginner's Betta Breeding Tips:

Watch the actual "Embrace" where the male holds the female and squeezes the eggs out of the female.

In the video you can see one of the eggs, where the male picks it up and spits it into the bubble nest.

To see this step a little more watch the sequence to this video.

If your male and female bettas start roughing each other up a little note that it is completely normal! Just ensure that this is not the only activity they are engaging in. (This is a "Delta Tailed" subspecies.)

Click Here for Info on How to Best Care for your Betta, the Easy Way!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Betta Breeding: A Spawning Pair

This video shows you how to introduce a male and a female for mating.

Select a male and female that is similar in size, with the male slightly larger than the female to prevent too much imbalance in size that may hinder courtship and worse, result in serious injury as courtship can be a turbulent affair!

Introduce both genders together to prevent territorialism from getting established by any of the pair. Place their separate containers into the mating tank, for 15 minutes so the pair can adjust to the water temperature in the mating tank. (You may leave the female inside her jar in the mating tank until the male has finished building his bubble nest, but some owners prefer to release them at the same time.) Then gently tip the male out into the mating tank followed by the female.

Monitor closely while the pair gets acclimatised to the tank to ensure they are compatible. While there may be some 'rough play' during courtship (chasing, nipping and shredding), you need to remove both the fishes if this becomes excessive and violent.

What you need to watch for is the male waving his body ... trying to impress the female with his 'sexiness'. This is a positive sign that courtship rather than hositle fighting, will ensue.

If after three days there is no sign of mating remove them from the tank and try again later or use another pair.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fighting Strain Bettas - A Singapore Farm Visit

Fighting strains - Betta Splendens:

"The farm is located off Jalan Kayu and is owned by a retiree. The owner was a betta player in his younger days and after retirement decided to spend his spare time in breeding and raising fighters. He is in his sixties and has been a breeder of fighters for the last 10 years.

The farm has an area of about 250 metres square, divided into 2 sections, one section for concrete ponds and another for earthen ponds."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to Breed Betta Fish in Two Minutes

What do you need to breed Bettas:
  • A small net
  • Breeding tank
  • Healthy pair of male and female Bettas

What are the stages? Watch this excellent video to see this in action:
  • Let the male into the tank and let him build the bubble nest.
  • Introduce the female - watch for the right signs: flaring at each other.
  • Watch to see if mating follows: embracing of female by male
  • Watch the male picking up the eggs squeezed out of the female.
  • See him spit the eggs into the bubble nest.
  • Remove female to another tank.
  • Watch the male tend to the eggs until they hatch.
  • Remove male after fry is hatched.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tropical Fish Diseases

Useful FISH HEALTH information for tropical fish hobbyists:

Probably one of the most common questions I get asked is “What’s wrong with my fish?” Well, that’s a little hard to diagnose without actually seeing the fish itself, but there are some common ailments you should be familiar with, and you should be able to identify when something is really wrong.
First off, you need to have a “Fishy First Aid Kit” handy.