Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What You Should Know Before You Get a Betta Fish Pet

What You Should Know Before You Get a Betta Fish Pet

WHAT NOT TO DO when you decide to keep a Betta Pet is just as important as knowing WHAT TO DO.  The above video shows some aspects of care - water condition, tank shape and size, amount of water, etc. - to consider. While it may look pretty sticking a Betta in a vase or glass flower-pot, it is not conducive to Betta's health and is in fact sheer torture for these delicate creatures.Tackle their care from their point of view rather than regard your beta as a piece of decor for your office or home.

Some Points to Consider:
  • tank size - has to be large enough for betta to swim freely in it
  • avoid over-crowding with plants, artefacts, other fish, etc.
  • water condition - keep it clean and aerated
  • use the right plants to help keep the water clean
  • remove old food - don't over feed, etc. - don't poison the water
  • keep the tank at a constant temperature that is warm enough for Betta
  • position tank to get natural light but without being baked in the sun

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Betta Tail Types and Betta Patterns

Do you know the different tail types and patterns of Betta?
Here they are well explained and demonstrated.